
Thanks for joining the celebration, Australia!
Our giveaway is now closed.

Congratulations to all five all-new KONA Hybrid N Line major prize winners:

QLD/NT winner: M Stewart, QLD
NSW/ACT winner: H Thornton, ACT
VIC/TAS winner: I Iskra, VIC
SA winner: J McEntee, SA
WA winner: M Lim, WA


Congratulations to all runner up prize winners. Each will receive a $100 merchandise pack.


P Adams, TAS   H Felsch, QLD C Liew, NSW L Rosen, NSW
T Adikari, TAS N Ferrari, VIC F Lin, NSW D Rossetti, QLD
B Amos, QLD A Frisina, SA P Lomas, NSW M Sabto, VIC
K Andersen, QLD J Garabedian, WA I Lorimer, VIC B Saggers, WA
C Anderson, QLD M Gatward, TAS S Mackenzie, NSW R Santos, QLD
C Ashdown, TAS A Gebert, VIC M Mallee, SA Z Searle, SA
A Atkins, NSW D Gemmell, QLD C Mancuso, WA L Seguin, NSW
J Atrero, NSW J Gent, QLD G Mandalakoudis, NSW A Sharma, QLD
A Bachraz, VIC A Gibson, VIC R Mapfumo, VIC D Sharpe, NSW
R barlow, VIC J Gill, NSW M Marles, QLD M Sheppard, QLD
O Barry, SA D Gjurovski, NSW A Marshall, WA M Sherrington, QLD
L Bazley, NSW S Gracious, VIC M Matrenina, NSW K Shreeve, WA
L Beard, NSW P Graham, NSW L May, WA J Simpson, QLD
D Bennett, QLD L Grech, WA P Mayne, VIC A Singh, VIC
C Birmingham, VIC J Greer, VIC C Mazzucchelli, WA R Smith, QLD
G Bluschke, VIC M Guan, NSW D McBratney, VIC N Spiteri, NSW
J Boit, VIC L Hahne, QLD A McHarg, NSW H Steane, NSW
M Booso, NSW D Hall, ACT A McHugh, VIC E Steengraver, NSW
A Booth, QLD S Hallpike, VIC J McLean, SA M Stein, NSW
T Bowden, SA M Hannebery, VIC M Menke, WA T Stewart, QLD
A Bower, NSW K Henderson, TAS O Merrill, NSW V Stewart, TAS
G Brades, WA J Henry, NSW M Minogue, VIC S Syaban, WA
A Brown, VIC M Hogg, TAS P Mizerni, VIC K Tanan, VIC
F Brown, NSW D Hopkins, WA I Mohamed, NSW C Thomsen, NSW
J Burg, NSW W Hyun, VIC F Mohammed, NSW A Thorpe, QLD
L Cannon, QLD J Innes, WA S Moon, VIC T Tran, SA
D Carr, NSW P Ivison, QLD C Moore, NSW K Valencia, NSW
D Channells, QLD R James, VIC K Mulia, WA J Van Son, TAS
M Chapman, NSW S James, NSW R Murray, SA P Vasilopoulos, VIC
M Chappell, QLD A Jayasinghe, VIC T Nesbitt, NSW Y Vukinovac, WA
S Chatham, QLD E Johnston, NSW K Nettle, QLD S Vuyk, WA
D Chua, NSW/ACT H Johnston, VIC J Newell, NSW S Waddington, WA
S Chunduru, SA A Jones, NSW S Newton-Chandler, NSW M Waldie, QLD
S Clark, QLD D Jones, QLD T Nguyen, NSW M Walker, SA
T Collins, QLD B Josey, QLD A Nielsen, QLD J Wallace, QLD
L Comber, NSW R Karki, NSW S O’Bryan, NSW S Warner, QLD
L Cooke, VIC S Kelly, VIC D Offer, NSW A Welch, QLD
A Coulston, NSW E Kentrotis, VIC T Ogradey, NSW S White, SA
K Cullen, WA W King, NSW B Pascoe, WA S Wijesekera, VIC
M Curtain, TAS S Knapton, QLD P Patcha, VIC B Williams, TAS
L Daniels, QLD M Kumo, QLD K Pearse, SA P Windsor, QLD
R De Silva, VIC D Lam, VIC B Pellow, VIC O Wragg, TAS
J Delloso, SA T Lam, VIC B Petrovic, NSW K Wright, WA
R Dhillon, QLD J Lane, QLD B Pond, NSW M Yamamoto, NSW
R Dickson, VIC T Lau, NSW H Portus, NSW S Young, VIC
C Donnelly, NSW H lee, NSW C Prietto, NSW S Young, NSW
M Ecimovic, SA S Leifi, QLD A Primerano, NSW S Zafiriou, VIC
M Ehsan, NSW M Lewczak, SA A Reader, VIC J Zammit, VIC
V Evans, QLD K Lewis, VIC L Reihana, VIC G Zionn Abanto, WA
S Faulkner, WA M Lia, VIC P Rodis, VIC
J Featherston, NSW


Congratulations to all minor prize winners (Hyundai Owners). Each will receive a Scheduled Servicing prize.


I Atsas, NSW M Hancock, NSW K Norton, NSW V Tabor, TAS
K Cookson, VIC M Harper, WA M Nowland, QLD Z Vernon, WA
K Crowe, WA I Heslop, NSW P Oneill, SA C Warr, VIC
S Daniels, WA F Irwin, QLD S Parker, NSW S Wightman, NSW
E Drury, QLD B Kleidon, QLD A Power, NSW C Wood, NSW
N Drury, NSW B Lear, NSW D Pullen, NSW K Wright, WA
K Duan, VIC I Lockett, WA Y Reade, SA N Zimmermann, VIC
K Eveleigh, NSW D Meldrum, NSW Y Schlegelmilch, NSW  
D Faulkner, QLD S Murray, QLD S Silvey, VIC  
B Gott, NSW A Nicola, QLD L Spark, VIC  
J Griffin, TAS A Niemandt, QLD R Sutherland, QLD  

All winners have been contacted by 05/12/23. Thank you for being a part of Hyundai's journey to 2 million cars.


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Things you need to know:

*First Prize Draw I: Queensland /Northern Territory entrants I First Prize Draw 2: New South Wales / ACT entrants I First Prize Draw 3: Victoria / Tasmania entrants I First Prize Draw 4: South Australia entrants I First Prize Draw 5: Western Australia entrants

#Open to existing Hyundai owners only.

^Contents of the packs may vary but all packs have a maximum combined value of $100RRP.

Authorised under NSW NTP/07784, ACT TP23/01906, & SA Licence No. T23/1467.

[T1] Terms and conditions apply. See Terms and Conditions Document

Promoted by Hyundai Motor Company Australia Pty Ltd.

2023 2 Million Cars Win 1 of 5 Fuel Vouchers Competition Terms & Conditions

For the full Terms and Conditions for the Hyundai Australia Win 1 of 5 Fuel Voucher Competition, please view terms and conditions here